Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Alert for Hotel Managers

For you hotel managers out there:

Due to the fact that most hotels have in-house laundry, we believe this product is ideal for hotels and resorts.

This product is LEED certified.

Studies are ongoing. But early results suggest that the average time saved using this product is about three minutes per room.


Let's say you have 3200 rooms in your hotel group. And let's say you are experiencing a 50% occupancy rate. This is low. But I'm trying to show you an "at least" example of savings.

Every day you have 1600 rooms to clean.

You save three minutes per room in labor ... that's 4800 minutes per day ... that equates to 80 hours of labor cost per day ... that's 560 hours per week ... that's 29,200 hours per year! At the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour ... you are realizing a savings of $211,700.00 on an annual basis. You could give one GreenCloth away to each guest room occupied during the year, with your logo on it of course, and still save over $26,000.00 just on labor alone. We haven't even begun to address savings in chemicals and paper!

I am making my case on bottom line costs. This product makes economic sense.

My objective in the "Green" economy

Based on the other blogs I author (listed at the top of the page), I am the last person you would think to be involved in the "Green" economy.

However, I like this product because it is economical. It saves me time, saves me from buying Windex, and saves me the expense of paper towels. I gave one of these Greencloths to a friend of mine over a year ago. I just talked to him the other day. He is still using the product! ... the same one I gave him!

To me, the product is an allegorical reference to the modern political landscape. Economy basically means efficiency. The current regime, which is usurping the constitution, is building inefficiency into the market. For example: You, the individual, want to save many and do your everyday tasks more efficiently. So you ring out the Greencloth with water and shine your mirrors. This is good economy. The government wants to hire four members of a union to come to your house to "help" you shine your mirrors. The first sprays on the Windex (which you pay for, by the way), the second is supervising you as you shine your own mirror. The third guy is in charge of handing you the paper towels. And the fourth guy disposes of the paper towels and hauls away the waste (which you also pay for, by the way). This is inefficiency in the market. And of course your taxes went up to accomplish all this. That is how a bureaucracy works. So as the abomination of health care reform takes hold, the mirror cleaning example is what will unfold.

You could look at the GreenCloth a different way. As inefficiencies are built into the system (through abusive government), incentive is destroyed. So the leftist bent will eventually lead to shortages and less choice. So you better get used to doing with less. The GreenCloth represents a logical choice for people that are repeatedly forced to do with less. So there is an economic upside for the product.

The product is a winner no matter your political philosophy. What is ... is!

If you believe that you are saving the planet by using the product ... so be it.

Personally, I would love to put the following slogan on the GreenCloth:


Then I would hand one of these to my most liberal friends.

Then I could tell them how and why Van Jones is one of my sworn enemies.